Will Amazon Be Removing Its Optional Repackaging Service?


At Website Closers, we often work with Amazon FBA company owners preparing to list their ecommerce business for sale.

Optional Repackaging: Soon to Be Gone?

News in the world of Amazon FBA is important for anyone who is currently developing or even thinking about selling their Amazon FBA business.

Staying ahead of the curve and being mindful of potential trends can help you to have more room to navigate, if and when changes emerge in the market place will affect your own operation of the company or how a prospective buyer will be able to step in and accomplish company achievements on their own.

Currently Amazon offers a repackaging service for anyone who is partnered into the FBA fulfillment service. This is marketed as a way for Amazon to repackage customer returns so that the item that has been sent back by the customer can be sold as new. In theory, this sounds like a good prospect and could be beneficial for certain types of products.

Amazon has a very low tolerance for buyer complaints, which means that sellers might have nervous concerns about leaving repackaging in the hands of warehouse workers. In the past, sellers have been able to choose whether or not to partner into the repackaging service.

One seller, however, noticed that going into the settings of your Amazon FBA account means that you can no longer disable the repackaging option. It can no longer be disabled even if it previously was inside your Amazon FBA account.

Clicking on the learn more help page associated with these features, Amazon states that repackaging will be automatic for eligible items, even though refurbishment is an optional service. Refurbishment services are marketed as different than repackaging.

Additional packaging services through refurbishment are available through what Amazon calls optional refurbishment. This means that FBA can re-glue, re-tape, or re-staple boxes in addition to taking off non-product labels, unnecessary tape or stickers. Apparel and shoe refurbishment could also include removing stains and odors or steaming. FBA sellers expressed concern a couple of years ago when the repackaging service transitioned to opt out.

Suspensions associated with marketing something used as new led to unhappy customers filing numerous complaints. If you’re thinking about listing your Amazon FBA business for sale and have questions about how effectively to manage this transition and set yourself up for success, consulting with an experienced and knowledgeable website broker can help you in this process.

Staying Competitive with Amazon FBA

Amazon FBA is a very popular business model. However, it has become increasingly competitive and therefore you must be at the cutting edge of your industry and be able to show how your business is viable not just now but well into the future.

This will help to position you in front of the right buyers if you ultimately decide to sell your Amazon FBA business. For current Amazon FBA business owners, establishing policies and procedures that show how you adapt and overcome challenges such as these can be extremely beneficial.